Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The price of solar energy

I have been forced off the national electricity grid by three companies Origin energy Endevour Energy and an unknown contractor from Queensland. They are holding a stranded asset and some time in the future Shorts should be taken in these companies. There will be a lot of money to be made doing so.
The real crunch of this is how did I survive, I came kicking and screaming into the world with out electrical power. After the shock and the laughter from my son I had to act. I lost my food in the refrigerator and the battery charger by Ryobi which was under power when the power was cut but this had to be. Solar was then the only option with a generator to do the heavy work.
The generator I had the panels were bought some time ago for camping as were the batteries these cost $500 au with a regulator. Some what under powered but I have lights them an inverter was purchased 6000 watts  with 3000watts 12volts to 240 volts continuous running. The end result is I do not have a fridge dish washer or washing machine unless I start the generator. This cost is at today's rate $1 for about 2 hours way cheaper than the grid. I have to do more things but my health is improving in many ways as I have no TV and do not want one as I now read books and have a better life in general.
There was a two day adjustment and after that its a breeze. and in the ling run it is healthier and cheaper.  Cheerrs